Perth Wedding Cars.
When hiring a wedding car or wedding limo in Perth there are few things to consider.
Your budget. What are your priorities? With wedding transport you can spend many dollars on a limo with flashing lights, karaoke, yes a virtual night club on wheels only to find none of these features were required and not used. Do you require an elegant limousine for your wedding or a party bus? Consider something really special on your special day. Make sure the company offer all you need to on your special day. What colour do you require? There are many choices including two tone which stands out in the photos. Look for a limo that always looks great in the photos and never dates. Passenger numbers? How many passengers and for how long? You may be in limo as a full group for only a few minutes between photos and reception. Having a passenger in the front for a few minutes may be the difference between stepping up in limo sizes and the savings can be large. Check on what is included in the quote and what are extras. Ribbons, glassware & ice, child seats, eskys & bridal bears on grille. Is bottled water part of the deal? What does the chauffeur wear? Hopefully a suit. If you are unsure ask to inspect limousines and confirm that this is the limo you will be hiring and you are comfortable with operator.
This is your wedding day and having an experienced chauffeur that is flexible will have ensure the day starts out smoothly.
If you require an affordable quote for an elegant stunning silver and burgundy vintage Dodge wedding limousine then give us a call. Perth Vintage Limousines. We are Perth wedding limousine specialists.